Member Only: $10.00
Available Quantity: 7


Small Exhibits are a micro version of the large exhibit and provide attendees with detailed information on pieces or parts of collections, displayed within a 30"x36" area.  Your exhibit can cover items with a special contemporary or vintage decal you collect, other HLC/FTC dinnerware, go-alongs, or ephemera.  It's a great way to share your knowledge and interests with our group.

A. Use any HLC/FTC products, vintage or contemporary.
B. However, per HLCCA license agreement with FTC, any decaled Post 86 Fiesta items used must be items decorated and produced/authorized by HLC/FTC - no Post 86 Fiesta with third party decoration, or rogue itmes are permitted to be displayed/exhibited.
C. Include any product identification on the item(s), on the history, or educational explanation of your display.
D. Exhibit size: 30"x30" area, on supplied tablecloth/skirted table.
E. Please do not use any fragrance or music with your display to avoid allery issues or detract from other exhibits. 


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